“The Food Recall Plan template is in an easy to follow, quick-reference style document that will help businesses manage food recalls.
“This resource is an important addition to our other food recall resources for businesses, such as the Food Industry Recall Protocol.”
The Food Recall Plan template and Food Industry Recall Protocol are both available for download from the FSANZ website." FSANZ 09/06/2016.
Clause 12 of Standard 3.2.2 – Food Safety Practices and General Requirements, requires Australian food businesses engaged in food manufacture, importation or in the wholesale supply of food to have a written food recall system.
Businesses are advised to complete and use this template as part of their food safety plan as well as referring to the FSANZ Recall Protocol.( current version #7 2014)
FSANZ Recall Template information and guides can be found here.
New Food Recall Template downloaded here... fsanz_food_recall_plan_template_final.docx.