Container Deposit Scheme
Container Deposit Scheme
From the commencement of the scheme in NSW and other states and territories ( see below) all beverage suppliers and retailers must register eligible beverage containers. Beverage suppliers and retailers must ensure their containers are marked and labelled with the refund marking, in clear and legible characters. Display of the required EPA approved CDS labelling.
Under the Regulation the refund marking is:
"10c refund at collection depots/points in participating State/Territory of purchase". Note this marking must meet minimum font size requirements as per the regulation.
Containers that will attract a 10c return per container to consumers include:
- water - plain, still or carbonated or any other water for human consumption
- carbonated soft (non alcoholic) drinks
- non carbonated soft drinks including but not limited to:
- vitamin drinks
- sport drinks
- iced teas
- alcoholic beverages derived from the fermentation of fruit (cider)
- Beers / ales / stouts
- flavoured alcoholic beverages with a wine or spirit base (Ready-to-drinks).
- Milk based drinks which are not plain milk or plain milk substitutes
Containers that are not included in the scheme and therefore, do not qualify for a refund include:
- plain milk (or milk substitute) containers
- flavoured milk containers 1 litre or more
- pure fruit or vegetable juice containers 1 litre or more
- glass containers for wine and spirits
- casks (plastic bladders in boxes) for wine and casks for water – 1 litre or more
- sachets for wine 250ml or more
- containers for cordials, concentrated fruit/vegetable juices
- registered health tonics
Contact the relevant State Agency for further details as each state is slightly different.
Correct Food Systems can assist you with checking that you labels are compliant with all the current requirements and can advise you how to move towards compliance with all state and territory regulations.