WSEP V.2 Summary of update for Version 2. 2018-19
Woolworths Supplier Excellence Program has made updates to the Codes of Practice and the Food Manufacturing Requirements (V2) and is auditable from 1 March 2019.
You can download the WSEP documents from Wowlink.
Here is a short summary of the changes in version 2.
This is a summary only and you are advised to refer to the actual WSEP code documents, or discuss with Woolworths.
There are 12 codes of practice in total. The vast majority of the amendments are to clarify and simplify requirements for only 7 of the codes. A new code “Woolworths own brand food product requirements” has been included covering some sections but was previously covered by the Food Manufacturing Requirements document. The Food Manufacturing Requirements document has also been updated and reorganised based on the above changes. [also called base standard]
Control verification of packaging coding and labelling
- Some requirements moved into other sections, some rewording, some aspirational criteria removed
- Included graphic of the High Care / High Risk Decision Tree
- Removed guidance detail of HC / HR area Risk Assessment.
- NEW Up and over doors not used unless shown there is no risk to product and controls are validated
- Definition of cooling to 5oC in 4 hrs removed and stated as per validated time / temperature profiles or as per legal requirements where a legal requirement exists.
- Removal of “Backflow Incident” procedure and limited to Incident Plan to be developed.
- Removal of prescriptive detail on air flow, positive air pressure and air changes per hour. External ventilation stack height – removed. Guidance on Fogging removed.
- Prescriptive detail on filter gauge removed.
- Requirements in regards condensation simplified.
- Prescriptive guidance on environment temperature in preparation area removed.
- Guidance statement on Automated Turnstiles removed. Removed requirement “to identify staph aureus carriers” through hand swabbing. Provided target limits dependant on the target organism and simplified hand wash verification criteria.
- Removed requirement for daily cleaning of boots and replaced with requirement for boots to be clean on entry and that the frequency of cleaning be documented and validated.
- Guidance information on listeria, cleaning methodology and biofilms removed and only the criteria for compliance listed.
- Simplified to Post Cleaning Inspection verification with requirements for CIP Systems effectively covered in Base Standard.
- Guidance statements removed. Location and frequency of swabbing to be risk based.
- Criteria for removal of excess water clarified and simplified.
- Validation, Clarification and rewording in regard to Validation requirements for Produce Decontamination processes.
- Removal of some statements that are guidance and not criteria i.e. Produce Grouping Validation methods etc
- Remove Titration Testing and strip test requirements and leave as a requirement that the biocide concentration be verified at defined frequency as per HACCP plan.
- Step 4 description expanded to incorporate definition of an Allergen Management Plan as well as Allergen Improvement Plan where needed.
- Remove term “Alibi” and define as “Cross Contact”.
- Remove requirement for QS sign off of Allergen Risk Assessment.
- Include linkage to Approved Supplier / Raw Material Management.
- Include requirement for sites with single allergen in all products to have Allergen Management Program.
- Require controls to be documented in an Allergen Management Plan
- Factory Rating and Risk Assessment no longer required to be signed off by the Quality Specialist.
- Removed requirement for Risk Assessment to be signed off by Quality Specialist
- Alternative measures for beverages included.
- Added clarification to requirements for documented procedures and test methods & for foreign body detector checks and regular testing and calibration in section 5.
- NEW Use of pressurised airlines included.
- Aspirational requirements removed in section 2 & reuse of plastic buckets removed.
- Renamed section 8 (Verification & Monitoring) and removed specific criteria that relates to elimination / detection systems and test pieces
- Rewording and clarification of alternative requirements for beverages.
- Whilst code is applicable for livestock supply chain, scope of poultry now includes ‘eggs’
- Covers: Design, Development and Validation / Woolworths Controlled Documentation & Materials / Product Verification / Product Release / Notifications - Woolworths Quality Team / Insurance. [was previously in the Food Manufacturing requirements document]