Product Recalls
A food recall is action taken to remove unsafe or potentially unsafe food from distribution, sale and consumption.
There are two types of food recalls, a consumer recall and a trade recall.
A consumer recall involves recovering food product from all points in the production and distribution network including any affected product in the possession of consumers.
Standard 3.2.2 – Food Safety Practices and General Requirements requires all food businesses engaged in the wholesale supply, manufacture, and importation of food to have a written food recall system in place to ensure the recall of unsafe food and to follow this system when recalling unsafe food. The recall plan must be documented and current.
Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ) has produced the Food Industry Food Recall Protocol (the Protocol) to provide guidance for food industry on recalling food in Australia and on developing a written food recall plan.
The latest version of the FSANZ recall plan can be down loaded here
Basic steps to recalling an unsafe product can be found here.
How to recall food | Food Standards Australia New Zealand
The latest version of the Authorised officers for recall can be found here State and territory Food Recall Action Officers | Food Standards Australia New Zealand
Food Recall Action Officers Contacts - Public_Oct 2024.pdf
Correct Food Systems has experience in assisting importers , distributors and manufacturers to conduct an effective timely recall or run traceability activities test preparedness for a recall
There are two types of food recalls, a consumer recall and a trade recall.
A consumer recall involves recovering food product from all points in the production and distribution network including any affected product in the possession of consumers.
Standard 3.2.2 – Food Safety Practices and General Requirements requires all food businesses engaged in the wholesale supply, manufacture, and importation of food to have a written food recall system in place to ensure the recall of unsafe food and to follow this system when recalling unsafe food. The recall plan must be documented and current.
Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ) has produced the Food Industry Food Recall Protocol (the Protocol) to provide guidance for food industry on recalling food in Australia and on developing a written food recall plan.
The latest version of the FSANZ recall plan can be down loaded here
Basic steps to recalling an unsafe product can be found here.
How to recall food | Food Standards Australia New Zealand
The latest version of the Authorised officers for recall can be found here State and territory Food Recall Action Officers | Food Standards Australia New Zealand
Food Recall Action Officers Contacts - Public_Oct 2024.pdf
Correct Food Systems has experience in assisting importers , distributors and manufacturers to conduct an effective timely recall or run traceability activities test preparedness for a recall